Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Listing more. . .goals are good

I am working hard on adding listings.  I have been behind for a while on listing the art.  I had nearly 2 dozen completed paintings that needed listing. 😏  But unless the lighting is just right my art can be really hard to photograph, so I would get frustrated with the photos not turning out and just not list them. 😕  I recently had a great photo day (at least I think so) and got good enough photos of a dozen paintings. ~Yay~  

However, I did not want to publish them all at once, partly because I don't want them all to renew the same day I like to spread that out, but mainly because daily activity is important to etsy.  Also, I don't want my shop to get completely out of balance and be more art then jewelry. 😐  I am planning to work out some of the jewelry listings and add more rubber stretch-maille and I am thinking of creating a new section for the rubber-maille separate from the regular chainmaille. 😊  

I also have more fridge magnets to add and I really need to make some more wire trees.  I am hopeful that I can hit 250 listings before the end of the month.  😎

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Live and learn. . .

While the recent event was not my busiest or biggest money-maker compared to other events I've done it was a good experience overall.  I was pretty happy with my booth placement and I got permission to use command hooks and turn the wall of glass behind me into a gallery wall. 😎  I did not expect that but because I am crazy and obsessive I had a bunch of extra stuff with me which included a bag of sticky pads and command hooks. 
So I was reasonably pleased with the set up but I think I need to work on rearranging the stuff on the tables and I definitely need some type of sheet metal standing board, sign or something for the fridge magnets. 😏  Actually, I have several ideas of things I want to do including stenciling and painting RainbowMaille on all the art crates, of course, in rainbow colors.  I also need some more and maybe different table risers, specifically I want one that will let the book of trees lay at an angle to make it easier to handle the pages and also prop it up at an angle so that people can see it better from a distance. 😉
I will say that the pre-loading the bracelet bars and rubber-banding everything in place was a brilliant time saver and worked much better than I thought it would. 😁  I will likely never do it for the silver and gold plated stuff because air exposure and oxidation is a problem but with the aluminum, rubber, leather heck yeah. My next thing needs to be something better for the earrings as I do not like the earring stands I have, at outdoor events they tend to blow over and they don't really hold all the earrings. 😕

But that's life you live and learn, every time I do one of these things I find new ways to improve on the set up, display, packing. 😇

Monday, February 3, 2020

Less than a week. . .

OMG!!? that event is in less than a week!!

And as it gets closer I get more freaked out over the details. 😧  I have my table covers and they are pretty nice, they were wrinkled all to hell when I pulled them out of the packages but I expected that, I mean they were all folded up. 😏  

I had considered washing them but decided against it as I feared that washing and dyer time would actually make more wrinkles, so I ironed them instead. . . there went 3 hours of my life I'll never get back.  😄
However, they look so much better, I am glad I ironed them, even though it took so long and my back was aching afterwards. 😐  I pulled all my jewelry display stands and was trying to figure out what goes where and just how I am going to display all this stuff. I knew there was no way it was all going to fit so I went shopping and found a few new things. 😊  This tray fits the barrettes almost perfectly and I can put price stickers in the bottom.

 Now I am working on the rest of the "too much" stuff and I want it to be organized in a fashion and I need to be able to mark prices without having to tag every single bracelet. 😕  So I think I'm going by patterns and grouping them on the bars so I can price fixtures instead of individual pieces. 😉

 Then I started thinking about the limited set-up time I'll have on the day of, so I'm now working on a way to pre-load some of the displays and rubber-band stuff in place for transport. 😀  Hopefully it will work and I can just pull them out and pop them on the tables but even if they aren't perfect a bit of straightening and spacing adjusting is still better than un-bagging and arranging hundreds of pieces that morning.  
I am decided on 2 tables and hoping to bring the wire wall rack, but even then I have too much art to display and I still have nowhere to put the fridge magnets. 😕  I am starting to think I should have booked a double booth space, then I could have got those cool screen dividers and used those as walls to display so much more art.  Live and learn I guess, maybe there will be a next time.