Well I did it I Jumped off that cliff last month. I started with the spacescapes and battled my poor photography skills. 😕 After posting the first handful I asked in the forums for advice on listings art, I meant what to include in descriptions and keywords but all I got was pages full of you need better photos. 😡 That was sad and frustrating and in the end it just annoyed me into saying "screw it" I'm gonna do it my way anyway. 😜
Yesterday I was vindicated!!
I have sold my first painting!! 😮😁😇
I am shocked, surprised, humbled, blown away, thrilled beyond belief, over the moon happy. I have sold many things I've made over the years, many things but I have never felt quite this proud. It's really hard to explain but somehow selling that painting feels more personal than any of the wire art or jewelry or anything else.
So I guess it's official. . . I am an artist. 😉