Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Tick tock. . .

No not the social media app, the countdown clock to my event. The first event in my new "home" area, the first event in over a year. The first event since the move has taken a lot of preparation, digging thru the garages searching for tables, racks, and shelves, cleaning said tables and shelves; 😉 building out inventory, making more little trees, filling jewelry displays. I didn't get quite as much done as I had planned but that's life sometimes. 

I have spent a lot of time thinking about the booth set-up, partly because I haven't done a lot of indoor events and partly because of the booth decorating contest which I've never done before. Normally I set up outdoors and have the canopy/tent overhead that I use to hang things like the wire trees and paintings. So, setting up indoors without it presents a bit of a challenge for displaying certain things. 😐 I have a monster wire display tree, but I have no place to hang it, so I am leaving it home.

I had decided on the 6 foot rack because without the canopy I feel I needed some vertical attention grabber. I also decided to use it a bit differently instead of "cornering" it I am flat facing it so people can walk around and I can use all 3 sides. 😁 The "front" is the beach theme with all the ocean waves paintings and some decor stuffs, there is more I just didn't get it all out for yesterday's test. 😉

Side 2 is the wall of flags, with all the embellished abstract flags. The third side is just a sampling of abstracts and rainbows. 

While I do find the tower of art pretty and kind of impressive it is just art leaving me with mountains of jewelry. 😏 I had planned for two 6 foot tables but when I set them up and started loading the stands and displays and the book of little trees, I realized I have too much stuff and not enough surface. 

Plus, if both tables are just covered in jewelry I have no place for crates of other art. 😕 So I went back to the drawing board and double checked measurements and decided I will need a second rack. If I put a 4 foot in the back corner, I can move some of the larger jewelry things over and have enough table space for 2 crates of art.  

One of the major reasons I decided to use a second rack is because I realized I had no place to put the necklace board without it, it zip ties in the top normally. 😐 So if I can use the second rack I can move over the barrettes, rings, earrings, giant triple bar, and it gives me more space for hanging wire trees. 

It seemed like a great solution until I went back to searching the garages for more shelves and realized I don't have enough. 😖 Normally I use either the 6 foot or the pair of 4 foot, so I have not had this come up before, but I only have 6 shelves. The 6 foot configuration I tested had 5 shelves all by itself, but the 4 foot rack requires at least 2 shelves just for stability and ideal 3 for display purposes. After about half an hour of semi-panic searching, realizing there were no more shelves to be found and that this would not work without them I jumped online and order more. 😏 Now I am fingers-crossed just hoping they arrive in time.

Friday, June 16, 2023

Sad but Accepted. . .

Well, it finally happened, after 8 years of selling on etsy I finally got a less than 5-star review. 😞 I am a little sad but I accept it. 😐 It is still 4 stars so it could be worse, like a 2 or something. 

The overall rating is still 5-stars at the top of the shop, at least for now. I could have messaged them and tried to offer a discount or additional things for them to change the review but it's not really a bad review it says they are happy with it and likely to purchase again, it's just that barrette clip has a loose center. 😑 They said my chainmaille is beautiful they recognize the clip itself is a supply, so instead of trying to get them to change the review I simply apologized recognized the clips can be an issue and in the future I will test them more carefully.   

I am a bit disappointed because there is a good chance that at some point my shop will show as 4 stars instead of 5, because of the way etsy calculates the average on a 1 year rolling period, combined with the infrequent nature of reviews in my shop complicated by being closed for several months for the move making a period of no new reviews.  It's just one of those things, I see it coming but as there is nothing to be done about it, I have to just let it go. 𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅘𝅥𝅰𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅘𝅥𝅝 let it go 

Over the years I have seen many, many sellers freaking out in the forums over a "bad" review and often I have thought to myself "ok but that is not that bad" 4 stars is actually technically not bad at all, it is not negative it's just not perfect. For many years on etsy you couldn't even publicly respond to a 4 star review it had to be 3 or less. They have recently changed that and now sellers can respond to any review even 5 stars which seems weird to me because what would you say other than "thank you". 😅  

With a Father's day trip this weekend and my craft fair next weekend I just don't have the time or energy to be overly-upset about one less than perfect review. I do care, I care a great deal about my customers being happy, but if you read it they are not really un-happy so I am going to choose to not obsess over this.  There are so many other things for me to obsess over right now. 😅😆

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Only 2 more weeks. . .

There are only 2 more weeks before the Summer Craft Fair. 😲

I am not ready. I'm still making things. I haven't decided on racks and table set-up. 😕 I haven't figured out decorations for the contest yet. I have lists and lots of ideas but I'm not ready. 😨 

Seriously, it's not even 2 weeks it's really more like 10 days because today is a Sunday and the event is a Saturday and Father's Day is in between. 😏 

I have found my racks and tables and am cleaning them all, but I still haven't decided between the 4' and 6' racks, just 1 corner unit or 2. I am considering ordering a new flat wall in a 6' that folds so it fits in my car and takes up less floor space standing in the booth. But if I use both corner units it gives me the lower shelves to stick beach balls and decorations. 😅 

I have so much inventory I have no idea how I'm going to display it all. I have a lot of bracelet bars and jewelry stands but I need to sort the chainmaille patterns so that I can price things easier. I also still need to come up with the right metal panel for the magnets. 😒 

I have gone from nervous to excited and back to nervous. 

Thursday, June 1, 2023

More etsy oddities. . .

Today on my etsy shop dashboard I have a huge banner of sorts. 

I'm not sure what to think about this. 😐
I'm not sure why it's there all of a sudden. 😕 
My shop is not new, my "first sale" was years ago, like 8 years ago. Seriously, I literally just shipped 2 orders on Tuesday, I'm actually getting close to 300 sales on the etsy shop front. 😎 

So yeah, I admit I am a bit confused by the "quick guide to getting your first sale". 😅 Although, sales have been slow and there is always room for improvement, right?  

So, I clicked the links to check out the info, first the "how to create great listings that sell" opens a pop-up window (which I hate) and it's a youtube of an old etsy-up (she mentions the 2021 trend guide). Not sure how that's helpful or even current. Next the tips for photos and keywords links go to articles in the Seller Handbook, cool but the photo article is almost a year old, I already read that. The keywords article is recently dated at least, March of this year, but much of what is in it is standard and a bit repetitive if you watched the recent etsy-up event or previously read almost any of the etsy handbook articles over the years.  After that is just a push to get the new app and add more listings, so nothing really helpful for my shop, but maybe it will help others.  😇

Personally, I don't really plan to add more listings on etsy, I moved all the art to and the new app won't download on my phone so until I cave in and upgrade my phone no new app for me. 😅 I do miss the cha-ching. 

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Well that's odd. . .

First off, I'll start with I've been on etsy for 8 years, so I know a thing or two about how they operate, and I've been regularly annoyed over the years because the "stats" are often incomplete or inaccurate in some way.  This is not a new problem it comes and goes, the inconsistent and inaccurate counts are always worse when I run ads, I think because the ads and the regular stats are on different time zones. I used to really struggle and regularly argue with etsy staff over the stats issues, mainly because I didn't like being charged for ad clicks when the traffic never showed in shop stats, the fact that things didn't match made it seem like etsy was just randomly charging for ad clicks. 

Honestly, I still feel that way, but sales have been non-existent, so I turned etsy ads back on about a week ago. Every day I login and try to reconcile the main stats with ad stats and it makes my head hurt. 😅 Now the bad math is not the only thing that has always bugged me about etsy stats, often there are no "traffic details" like those ads etsy puts on google, it will tell me the click came from google but it never shows what listing they looked at or gives me the search terms. Similarly, the "direct & other traffic" category almost never gives any info on anything, no listings, no search terms and usually no source site. 

And now with all that in mind, this morning I'm look at my etsy stats and find . . .

that for once there is information tied to a click in the "direct & other traffic" and super weirdly it says the source is tiktok? I do not have a tiktok account, I have never posted on tiktok, heck I've literally never even looked at tiktok unless you count them showing clips on the news. 😏  

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Work, work, work. . . .

I really need to spend more time working, but I've been a tad distracted.  It's not often we have company and last week I had a plumber in the house for almost an entire day. The good news is my kitchen drain is fixed and I can use my dishwasher again which was great timing considering the dinner party the other night. 😎

Now however, starts the real tick-tock clock on preparing for the craft show which is only a month away. . . 32 days.

The first thing I need is full pages in the "book of trees" but not just full pages for display purposes. . .these little rainbows tend to always sell so having more than 1 seems like a good idea. I'm going for 3 and if they all sell that would be great, but even if I have 1 left that is also great since it's listed online at goimagine. 😇 3" inch rainbow tree  

After the trees for the book, I need to make some rubber stretch bracelets, purple helms chain keeps selling out on me, and medium rainbows. 

All the hours in between that I'm not physically making things I will spend obsessing over tables and racks and display layout and decor. There is still the beach themed booth decorating contest to plan for, I'm thinking some fishing net, a beach ball, all ocean waves and fireworks paintings up front, a few seashells on the tables. I'm also thinking of changing my 6' foot rack from a corner unit to a 2-sided slant A-frame style, the great thing about that racking is I can just move the clips and reconfigure it. 😇 If I do that I get more art hanging space and a slightly smaller footprint in the booth, but I lose shelf space for the chainmaille displays, so. . . still thinking about it.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

I'm a little nervous. . .

I am preparing for a craft show next month, but I am more than a little nervous about it. 😕 First off, this will be the first event I've done in nearly 2 years.  Secondly, being the first event since the cross-country move I have to actually find all my tables, racks, set-up stuffs. 😣 Also, it's the first event in a whole new area, state actually, and who knows if they even know what chainmaille is.  I have some fear that I will end up just sitting there all day and no one will buy anything.  😏

Ok, so nervous may be an understatement or my social anxiety is getting the better of me, it is over a month away and I'm nervous and obsessing already.  

I do have quite a lot to do to get ready aside from digging through the garages to find my racks and shelves and tables.  I need to find a box to hold all my displays. I need to make a few things to fill out the displays. I need to wash and press my tablecloths. I need to find my big metal sheet to display the magnets. I need to figure out how I'm going to display the bigger wire trees because this event is indoors, I can't just hang them from the canopy, I won't have a canopy. 😅 

I may need to rethink which tables and racks I take, if I drive my little car I'm limited to the 4' ft. racks, if I borrow my husband's truck I could take the 6' ft. tall racks and have more space to hang art and at shows like this tall things tend to attract attention. I may need to ask the organizer for some more specifics on space and use and if I'll have a wall. 😐 So many questions with a new venue. Since the event is having a beach themed booth decorating contest, I plan to put the ocean waves paintings front and center and lucky for me my tablecloths are already blue. 😉 After that I get a bit stuck with no canopy or uprights "decorating" gets a bit tricky my tabletops and racks are pretty crowded already with so much stuff for sale. It really is a good thing I have so much time to plan. 😅