Well, it is time for a weekly update but this week the update is not so good. I have a dental infection and am on drugs for my toothache. Also, my Jaspurrr has been diagnosed with FIV and is having a bout of anemia. 😞
Ironically my cat and I are both on amoxicillin 😅 although mine are capsules and his liquid is mixed with something else.
I did get a couple of things done. I even got them photographed and listed too. 😉 But I have not started on my kits from Metal Designz yet. I really need to get another pumpkin done so I can make them into the earrings and pendant set to submit to the #makerchallenge for the month. There are only 5 days until the deadline for the monthly maker challenge. I did not get to make several practice versions or work on my wire stems, but I am going to finish the set and submit it. 😐
I got a new tool! A cute little tumbler to clean and polish all my bright aluminum rings. I have used it a bit, just testing but I cleaned and started to polish a couple of my old bracelets. A good and bad idea at the same time because not all patterns took it well. 😏 I mean all the bracelets came out clean and shinier, but I had to spend some time getting the one un-bound and straightened out. So, I plan to pre-tumble the rings from now on that way they can be clean and extra shiny *before* they become complicated weaves that are hard to clean. 😉
I am claiming victory over my google analytics conversion, I got the new stuff to work with my Mosiac, so I can still get visitor/traffic data. Unfortunately, my pinterest html has all been blanked again. 😐 All this tech stuff is supposed to be easy-peasy set and go but it seems like it is in constant need of maintenance and monitoring instead. 😅