Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Pinterest. . .

I've started using Pinterest for RainbowMaille, but since I've never been a "pinterest" person prior to this I'm finding the whole thing a bit odd and somewhat annoying.  ~LOL~  😄  

However, Etsy's new social media tool includes Pinterest so I thought I'd give it a go.  I have created multiple boards because I like to organize and keeping my cats separate from my art seemed like the thing to do. 

I don't know how to get followers, unlike instagram where I've made it over 160 followers in the last year not exactly a huge following but better than the 2 on pinterest.  ~LOL~  😄  Short of paying for advertising and doing the facebook "boost" post thing I'm not sure how to get my stuff seen on pinterest.  😖  Worse yet, I am paying to promote some, so I've gotten some views and a few re-pins/saves but over half of them are mis-labeling my stuff. 😕  Like my wire trees which are clearly called out as wall art and home decor but people keep saving them to jewelry boards.  😟  My chainmaille has been saved to beaded jewelry boards in spite of the fact that there is not a single bead on it.  😵  It's making me nutty, it's not OCD compliant at all. ~LOL~ 😄

I'll keep trying and keep posting but I'm not sure it's doing much good.  I know all social media stuff takes time to build a following and be effective but good grief. (and yes that's a Charlie Brown impersonation)  😉

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