Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Weekly update. . .settling in

Well, it's been a couple of weeks since I posted, we have officially moved out of Georgia and landed in Indiana. I've been looking for a house and dealing with getting the cats settled, admittedly Reover and Jaspurrr have moved before and were not that bothered but poor little Merlin was proper freaked. πŸ˜” I mean you can't blame him; he's only 1 and had lived in the same place his whole short little life, so whole days in the vehicle, strange hotel to land in a new "home" that is actually an apartment where he can hear neighbors and people keep walking their dogs by the windows. . .it has taken a while for him to stop hiding so much.  
He's been in his cave or inside the chaise lounge that came with us for most of the first week, he still gets jumpy when the upstairs people stomp around, and he growls at the window every time I open the blinds whether there is anyone out there or not. πŸ˜…  

The good news is I have made great progress on both finding a house and reassuring and settling the baby.  

I am hopeful that everything goes smoothly, and we will soon be moving into our new house.  Fingers crossed I may be only 6 weeks from having my workspace back. πŸ˜‡

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Weekly update. . . it's time

Ok so 2 things; I'm writing this on a Saturday instead of a Sunday because it's my last weekend in Georgia, and there may not be one of these posts next weekend because we'll be on the road. 

Multiple rooms are empty and even clean already. My husband keeps telling me I don't have to clean because the property manager has a cleaning crew, but I figure if it's already clean then they don't get to charge me a bunch of money for hours of "cleaning". πŸ˜‰
Plus, I get to set the acceptable standard for what counts as clean going forward, and use the proper stuff on my wood floors because that's not modern laminate crap that is original 70+ year old real wood. 

Although, the property manager did caution us, ok outright told us to stop "loving" the house because renters are likely to abuse it and cause damage intentionally or unintentionally and it may be years before we get back here.  But it's hard because I really do like this house, it has been very comfortable and comforting, the property hugs you and shields you and the wildlife is engaging and entertaining and I am going to miss it. It is a great home I hope whoever rents it enjoys it, and I really hope to make it back here someday. πŸ˜‡  

We are in the final stage and the logistics get complicated here because we are literally moving a 3-ring circus, people don't always understand what I mean by that but aside from "us"(people) there are 3 other rings of life, cats, fish and plants all of which have their own travel needs, some of which conflict. 😏 Fish and plants are better off with a straight thru quick as possible trip, but cats don't like that, and humans need sleep, so. . . wish us luck and pray for the fishes. 

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Weekly update . . .slow

My internet is slow this morning, but that's par for the course this entire week has been slow. I guess that's what happens when it snows where it never snows normally. I get it snowplows and salt trucks aren't a thing down here but FFS, my county had a curfew multiple days, the whole town shut down for the whole week. 😠 
My husband had scheduled a maintenance appointment at the dealership for his truck, like scheduled a week before the snow, the appt was for Thursday days after the snow. . .so he drove over there and sat while they never opened, they never called and said they wouldn't be opening that day, they just didn't open, he wasn't the only waiting either. πŸ˜• This is one of those things that is somehow acceptable down here that just sticks in my craw, I'm actually glad to be moving back home, I can deal with a foot of snow on the ground (I know how to drive) I cannot stand the ridiculousness of everything shutting down for days on end for a few inches of snow that mostly melted off the very next day.  The window guy can't fix the porch windows because it's too cold for the caulk/putty to set right, but I've been waiting since Thanksgiving. The plumber has never called back his wife said he's sick, that was two weeks ago. The appraiser took a bloody month to cough up the report we pre-paid for. The property manager was here for the walk-thru Last Friday and has still never sent the promised contract. ~Arrrrghhh~ 

Don't get me wrong Georgia is beautiful (when there is no snow) but on many levels it's a frustrating place where service usually sucks and every damn thing takes weeks on end. 😐 I'm from the land of "get shit done" and I gotta say this half-assed lazy "laissez faire" attitude drives me up the walls. I know my "northern aggression" is showing and I'll never truly fit in down here, I can fake the accent, but I lose my patience. πŸ˜…

In the "getting sh*t done" category. . . We did go ahead and change the sink in the master bath, and I am very happy with how the new sink and faucet look. πŸ˜‡

The POD people at least were reliable and completed the swap of full box for new empties. Also, the moving helpers that came on Saturday were actually awesome and did an excellent job of loading, so we tipped Big. 😎

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Weekly update. . .halfway

I'm declaring it halfway whether it's accurate or not is another story. πŸ˜… However, we are weeks in and have weeks left to go, we have 2 of the 4 PODs loaded, so ya' know halfway. Although, looking around at the large furniture left, I'm second guessing that halfway declaration. 😏 
I'm also having some funny realizations. . . like we're nerds. I packed 5 boxes of books the other day only to realize that was just 1 bookcase and I hadn't even gotten to the office. πŸ˜… 

similar acknowledgement when I started packing the DVDs and realized how many of them are either sci-fi or animated

The 3rd odd realization came when packing the liquor cabinet. . . based on the number of full bottles and dust-coating, plus I had to get a fourth box 😏 we have an alcohol problem . . . we don't drink enough. πŸ˜… 

honestly neither of us really drink regularly these days (haven't for years) and when we do drink it's usually just 1 

Although, the collection has become quite impressive over the last 10 years or so as we drink less and have been given/gifted some really nice things, like fancy limited editions and boxed collector stuff. 😎
The weather is not helping, it rained most of yesterday and they are threatening snow here this week. I think we are cutting some of the home improvement projects due to limited time and the growing exhaustion. 

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Weekly update. . .things are moving

Y'all will have to excuse some lame puns and bad jokes today as my exhaustion is showing. πŸ˜… There was a POD exchange this week, the first one is now gone and has been replaced by a larger one.  

The truck driver has mad-skills, with the truck and the podzilla robot thing. 

We had some concerns about the narrow spots in the driveway after the split and the island trees present some issues, but he did an excellent job and made it look easy.   

The house refresh continues, the hall bathroom is nearly finished.  I've cleaned ceiling fans, which may not sound like much but when you consider there are 8 of them in this house and I've got 5/8 done that's some progress.  πŸ˜‰ I've been painting doors and making a list of other things to touch up.  The new dining room light fixture arrived too.  So, with less than 30 days until we are in another state there is a lot to get done.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Weekly update. . .Welcome to 2025

So, the move has begun in earnest, the first POD is loaded and locked and will be exchanged next week. There are boxes in nearly every room both packed and ready to be packed. Every day is a flurry of activity trying to pack, prep this house, settle on a new house (we haven't even seen in person yet). 
The current house refresh is going great, many little things taken care of like fresh paint in both bathrooms, lots of touch ups. The new sink and facet for the master bath are here and waiting to be installed next week. (hopefully)
This is a high stress period with too many moving parts for my brain, I have lists and calendars and notebooks everywhere. 😟 This winter storm is causing issues and delays with some pre-scheduled business travel and having ripple effects on the whole plan, just an unpredictable monkey wrench tossed in the works. 

Time's up, back to work. πŸ˜ΆπŸ’«

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Weekly update. . .Happy New Year

Well, we are just days away from 2025 so Happy New Year. 😏 
I'm not all that happy this morning, but that's just because I'm really tired. We are doing some light renovations and repainting and such before we move, things are going great the new faucet for the master bath arrived yesterday 😁 when the new sink/countertop comes next week that will be one room finished. We already painted walls and ceiling, changed the light fixture, and finished the new linen cabinet. 

The first POD has arrived, so it's time to pack up the garages and start sorting the boxes for house stuff. I started in the guest room sorting excess linens, emptied a dresser I plan to give to a friend instead of moving.  

It had a couple of broken handles, so I bought some new ones and did a little rearranging. I'm really happy with how it looks. πŸ˜‡ 

Taking a serious look around the house and realizing that I unpacked too much. I really did think this would be a more long-term thing, kind of regretting getting so comfortable. πŸ˜”