Sunday, May 26, 2024

Weekly update. . .Memorial Day

Welcome to a holiday weekend in the 90*s and my central air is still not fixed. 😞 We now have 3 room units running non-stop trying to keep up with the heat, but when the overnight temperature doesn't get below 70 and it is perpetually 90% humidity it's an uphill battle. 😟Slightly afraid of my next power bill. 😢

On the upside all of the beads I ordered did arrive before the weekend, so I have been productive. 😎  I do believe that the beads & rings necklaces will need to be priced by length just like the chainmaille. It is actually kind of shocking how many of those little beads it takes to make real distance. 😏

The blue/gold one is only 16.5" inches and has 135 beads (and 135 rings). 

The longer red version has 187 beads (and rings) and is still only 22" inches long. 😐

I honestly think a 24" inch necklace with this size bead would be over 200 beads and rings, which is a lot of work. I mean it is time consuming to get perfect closures on rings, so to sit and close a ton of rings and then still have to string and stack them, wow. Yeah, I think I under-sold the first one. πŸ˜… I'm also thinking it's a good thing I ordered literally thousands of beads, but they may not make as many items as I had thought. 

Considering the hematite beads have holes that are too small for the leather cord, that's 800-ish that I can't use for jewelry. No worries, they won't "go to waste" I have ideas for wire trees. πŸ˜‰

I was also serious about doubling up the rings for the larger bead size so that the leather cord doesn't show thru as much. 

I do like the look, but I'll have to consider the effect on pricing, doubling the ring count does dramatically increase the time involved. ~sigh~ 😏 

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Weekly update. . .do-over

Well, it's been a week, and this is an update. 😏 I'm tired, like all the time, Merlin never lets me sleep, literally I tried to take a nap yesterday afternoon and he followed me into the room and yowled and yelled and pounced on Reover repeatedly until I gave up and got up. πŸ˜’ 
Kittens. . .they demand all the time, attention and energy. 😏
I can barely be in my shop let alone get work done, if I even walk in the room he runs in and jumps on my bench, no matter how many "no you" I shout or how many times I chuck him off it, he just won't stay off my bench. 

It has become very frustrating, annoying and time consuming, at least he has stopped trying to eat beads, but he mucks things up walking on/thru. He jumped on a painting the other day and it was pure luck that he didn't damage the canvas. 😐 Somehow, I have managed to get a couple of things done but not a lot. I did remake the beaded necklace that sold, but I did most of the work on top of my laptop on the couch. 😏

I did try a different bead/ring combo to make a second necklace but I'm not loving it. It's ok and it will likely sell but for me personally it's "lumpy" and just doesn't have the smooth slinky feel of the original. πŸ˜‰ So I have ordered more of the other bead size. 

Also, not super thrilled that in this version you can totally see the leather cording πŸ˜’ maybe if I had doubled up the rings it wouldn't be so bad, but I don't really like that it shows.  😞 Speaking of things that didn't quite work. . .

My photo shoot, ok so using the easel is a good idea but it just doesn't work with my cardboard stands (which really are better for smaller things). 

So now I'm contemplating moving my photo lights and trying the easel on the nightstand in the spare room. It's not ideal but it might work, if I can get the lighting right. 😏 Although it's on the wrong end of the house, because right now our central air is broken and it's hot down that hall. We've been making do with a couple of small units for 2 weeks already, hopefully the part comes in this week before it gets back over 90*. 😢 
Fingers crossed for a more productive week ahead. 

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day

The plan for today is to do as little as possible. . . if only. πŸ˜… My actual plans include finishing the unpacking, restoring the art to order, doing some bookkeeping, and setting up to do a photo shoot this week. However, today is starting with photos and social media, as it is Mother's Day I had to post a "Happy Mother's Day" post, it is a Sunday so writing this weekly blog post and I have photos and video from yesterday's event to edit. πŸ˜‰  

It was a beautiful day at the park and my banner looked great! We had perfect weather, the bands rocked, I really enjoyed the event overall, it was a great crowd. 😎 There was a lot of Mother's day gift shopping, I sold several wire trees and jewelry pieces. I've been invited to vend at the farmer's market that is held in this park monthly, not sure if I will do it but it is nice to be invited. πŸ˜‡ 

Remember that necklace test I did with the beads and rings design? Well, it was the first thing that sold yesterday, its' first time on display, so I guess I should make more. πŸ˜… 

Also matching earrings, because the buyer asked for matching earrings but since I didn't have "matching" she went for coordinating, all rings no beads but the same color. I am still not selling the bracelet design because the button/loop closure on mine is wearing, and my product testers have not hit the 6-month mark yet. However, I may just have to buy the larger crimps and findings to make the bracelets with proper ends and clasp. 

For now, the focus for the next week is a major re-do of photos of art. I have a few ideas for set up and staging including using my new tabletop easels. I also plan to start selecting and framing what I want to display at the art show in October, and since some of those pieces are already listed online, once I frame them, they will need new photos and price changes to reflect that. πŸ˜‰

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Weekly update. . .May

It has been a busy week, some things got done but some didn't. 😏 That's life, I set goals and make lists and then struggle to get as much done as I can before time runs out. πŸ˜… Normally I'd be all for the "there is always next week" approach but I'll be spending next week packing and event prepping not actually making and creating.  

It is literally a day at the park, so I have to take the tent and probably the walls, although it will be my first event using my new banner 😁 so that is exciting. I have made progress on the restocking, multiple bracelets finished, a new pendant, I need to tag the new trees, but I'll do that as I pack them up. I have also been working on some art that is not finished but will be pretty cool when it is finished. (I hope)

I do love my multi-medium pieces. I debated for over a week while painting this, if it should have wire tree(s) or ribbon embroidery, I am currently leaning towards trees as you can see. πŸ˜‡ But I might go completely crazy before it's done and do both ya' never know.  I have not made any progress on selecting art and framing for the fall art show, well that's not entirely true I have a mental list of things I am fairly sure I want to frame, but no physical activity has occurred yet. πŸ˜… I need clear bench space to frame things and the bench is more than a little occupied at the moment. 

The good news is that a lot of that will get packed for the show, all the rings will go in the tools & supplies tote (in case of adjustments) all the rubber bracelets will get packed for the display, along with the stacks of fidgets. So, by the end of the week, I'll have a clear bench for a possible photo shoot of art and next week I'll start off with a clear bench and can hopefully get some framing done. 😎

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Weekly update. . .Next!

I'm feeling pretty good about this past week, I have accomplished several things. Ok, so technically I ordered the banner before this week, but it arrived this week.  I am thrilled with how it turned out and I think it looks great hanging up, even over the window when backlit it still looks cool and is readable. 😁 This is a huge yay! and was its' own important test because I have been thinking of all the ways I can use it and one of them was as a partial backwall in the tent, which means it may at times have sun shining through it. So, the fact that it is a good sunblock while looking virtually lit-up is pretty cool, I had not anticipated that but it's working for me. 😎 

There are only 2 weeks before my upcoming event, which will be outdoors at a park using the pop-up tent and my new banner. It is a local event and mostly unrestricted, so I can take all my stuff and my husband's 3-D printed stuff too. πŸ˜‡ I have been working on making "stuff and things", including the new wire trees I made for the #goimagine maker challenge and some other stuff I am still not publishing, yet. I plan to have a full re-stock of the rubber bracelets and hopefully will be back to full pages in the "Book of  mini Trees".  

While I am glad this thing is finished, I have to admit I'm not really happy with it. I struggled making it, it was as if the wire was fighting me every inch. I'm not thrilled with the leaf placements, the nest is not where I wanted it, it is a disappointment to me. I'm sure other people will like it fine it's just not what I envisioned. 😏 I do love the blue butterfly version, although, I seriously doubt I have any chance in the maker challenge contest because, well crappy photos. πŸ˜’ 

Part of me is just happy I managed to finish both in time to get them entered. πŸ˜… It was a cloudy day when I shot the photos, I'm not sure when judging is happening, maybe I can shoot new photos and update the listings before then. Lucky for me the next maker challenge prompt is something I already had, so I have already submitted an entry for "Gradients & Grids" 

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Weekly update. . .postponed

As much as I plan and plan, sometimes things just don't go according to the plan. πŸ˜ I haven't been feeling 100% a couple of days this week, so the second wire tree for the #makerchallenge is still not finished. I know I'm not alone in this, everyone has issues sometimes that is why I got an email notifying me the June event has lost the date with the venue and is being moved, postponed.  😐 It's ok, the May event is still happening, and I'll just have to look for other options for June, July, August. Ideally, I'd like to have one event a month, but I'm not sure that is going to work out.  πŸ˜… 

I am going to work on this today.  I really need to finish it so I can have that end of the bench cleared to set up and shoot the photos of both trees so I can create the listings and submit them. 

However, I am currently delayed from working on that tree because I had an order come thru one of the online shops last night, and of course they ordered a color that I don't have already made. πŸ˜… I keep meaning to re-stock the rubber bracelets, but it seems no matter which colors I make they always order one I don't have ready.  It's ok, it is just a small rubber helms bracelet I can whip it up today and ship it out tomorrow, but that is a couple hours of not working on the wire tree. 😏 
The other box with the rest of the frames arrived the other day and looking at the dented and ripped box I was initially very concerned, but thanks to the foam and bubble wrap packaging inside the frames themselves are undamaged. 😌 

So now I get to go through the process of selecting which of the 150+ paintings actually get one of the 22 frames. 😢 But right now I have to go get busy on a bracelet. πŸ˜‰

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Weekly update. . .big plans

I have multiple events on the schedule now, nice and spaced out so far.  I ordered a Big fancy professional banner and it should be here before my next event next month. πŸ˜‰ Technically, the next event is just under a month away, but it is a "hometown" event so no travel, low stress event, it is literally a day at the park.  😎

I am still working on the restocking. . . making more rubber bracelets, making more small trees, making more fidget blocks. πŸ˜… Ok so my husband prints the fidget blocks and I'm kinda focused on my #makerchallenge entries first, but I have weeks to prepare. As long as the kitten isn't too distracting or destructive I should be able to get plenty of new stuff done, of course he is yowling his way around the house being rotten right now so. . . πŸ˜‚ The good news is I have 1 of my 2 #makerchallenge entries finished already I just need to photograph and list it so I can officially submit it.

I know, not the best photo, they never really look good laying on the banged-up bench 😏 but trust me with 5 colors of wire, 3 sizes of Swarovski crystal beads and 8 butterflies it is very pretty πŸ˜‡

The next one will be very different, not just birds instead of butterflies, not just green instead of blue wire, but with the bird's nest and dangly leaves a completely different look. Also, because I am crazy and easily distracted a whole new idea hijacked my brain yesterday and is in mid test on my bench. πŸ˜… Probably not the best timing or wisest idea but if it works it will be amazing, no photos yet.  I am taking "work in progress" photos but I will not post about this until it is complete and then only if it turns out the way I want and looks super cool. 

The cases of frames I ordered should start arriving this week, so be prepared for some A/B polls to help me decide which pieces to put in which color of frame. 😎 
I have distributed multiple versions of the beads & rings bracelet design for wear-testing, now is the boring waiting, for possibly months, for one of them to break. One of them I made with a matching keychain for my Momma's birthday. πŸ˜‡ If they all make it past the 6 month wear mark without breaking, I might consider selling the design. 

Happy Birthday Mom! πŸ’–πŸ˜‡