Sunday, October 8, 2023

Weekly update. . .what a week

If you follow the facebook page or instagram you've probably seen the photos and videos of the tree removal and trimming that went on, well let me tell you the few things I posted do not begin to cover the Days of work they did. They completely removed 4 trees and trimmed 14 others, so giant boom truck, often dueling chainsaws, mini skid loader for hauling the logs to the trailer, stump grinder, what I'm saying is it has been nerve-wracking-ly noisy around here. Add on top of that some sort of stomach bug making me miserable and it's kind of surprising that I managed to finish anything this week. 😐 However, the pile of ornaments continues to grow and I managed to finish a bracelet and another cross. 

While making the 4th cross, I was reminded that sometimes even the micro-difference between anodized colors can effect the tightness of the weave. The previous 3 colors all had some wiggle in the bottom section but the shiny gold was so tight I didn't think I was going to be able to finish it. 😐

Now I only have one more color I want to try before I start round 2, but I probably won't make a second of the shiny gold unless it sells. 😅 Just watch it become the most popular, that happens sometimes, the thing I like least everyone else loves. 😆 

I have 3 weeks until my first fall event, so it is time to start making lists. I need to get my canopy tent out and set it up to make sure it's good to go, find my sidewalls. 😏 I haven't used the canopy in 2 years, but I pull it out last year and check it so it should be ok, provided it's not moldy or buggy from being out in the garage. It is only a 10x10 booth, so I'll have to decide what to take, because I have too much stuff. Selecting which 20-ish paintings out of the 100+ to take is always hard. Looking at the advertising for the event I don't think I'm taking the Christmas ornaments, plus with the small booth I won't have anywhere for the tree display. 😅 

The fact that there are only 2 weeks between the first and second event is making me a bit nervous. I have high hopes for the first event, but if it is good sales, I won't have much time for rebuilding inventory. 😐 Heck I still need to replace the Japanese Lace bracelets that sold back in June. 

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