Sunday, March 2, 2025

weekly update. . .not so fast

Well, that didn't go the way it was supposed to. 😕 
The house we made an offer on epically failed its' inspection; electrically problems, plumbing problems, structural problem, water and mold in the crawl space, bad well water test. . . yeah we're out. We have extricated ourselves from the contract with minimal loss of money but the time lost cannot be recovered and I'm now facing if the next house ain't "the one" we're going to have to stop looking to buy and just rent something before the time runs out on the temporary apartment and the next round of monthly rent comes due on all the PODs. 😒 
So, I have 2 houses to look at this afternoon ~fingers crossed~ otherwise I have a list of back-up rental houses to investigate next week. I've already looked at the rental companies and their pet policies and ruled out a couple of the corporate landlord types because of their rules, from tricon having a 2 pet limit (we have 3 cats and I'm not giving one away) to having excessive "pet rent" looking at you Progress with your $199 a Month add-on for 3 cats. 

I have no problem paying an extra deposit or small monthly fee, but my 3 boys are all fixed and declawed and aside from pawing a window blind they have never damaged anything so $300 non-refundable deposit EACH seems a bit excessive to me and the near $200 a month is just insane, my cats cause less damage that people's children and somehow they don't charge extra for kids. 😐 Dogs with paws full of claws that scratch the heck out of things and eat the trim off doorways absolutely charge for the damages, but again my cats are fixed and declawed and have never done major damage to any place we've ever lived. 

Long story short I have no idea when I will re-open RainbowMaille.
but at least Merlin is settled and napping in the open again

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