I have continued to work on photos and listings I'm beginning to think it will be a never-ending process, so I gave up on adding photos, there are in fact about a dozen listings that are still short a pic or two.
I have instead moved on to adding a few new listings. I found a full diamond Japanese 12-in-2 bracelet that had never been listed.
I also decided to go ahead and create a secondary listing for the Leather Barbed Wire necklaces in 2mm.
I think I'm going to add a few more earrings, try to have an even dozen listings for that section. I think I should also add the old gridlock bracelet to the clearance section along with a few pairs of the older earrings that match it, maybe I'll just make it a set like the others.
I'd like to hit 100 listings before the end of the year. There are conflicting opinions but some say that 100 or more listings is like a magic number in Etsy and leads to more views and sales. ~fingers crossed~