Sunday, April 1, 2018

Trying something different. . .

I like trying new and different things some times, I mean I took up painting just for the fun of it. LOL  😃  I've been thinking about a few ideas for a while now, just crazy-ish things I wanted to try. 

I have a couple of "damaged" canvases, one was damaged in the package and one the cat knocked off the shelf and put a hole in. 😏 I didn't really want to just throw them away so I started thinking of ways to repair the tear/damage, obviously canvas is cloth so sewing. 😊  Hey I can sew, I can cross-stitch, I can embroider.  The more I thought about it the better the idea sounded (in my head) I contemplated what to do and how to best go about it for weeks. 
I decided on a flower meadow, so I started with a base layer of paint for the blue sky and green grass. I had to be careful not to make the tear in the corner worse and you can see the "dent" where it is when it was a plain canvas. I layered the painting, letting the first layer dry a bit before adding the next.
It's a bit hard to see in the photos but I'm actually super proud of the texture of my tree trunk.  Also nearly impossible to capture (at least with my lack of photography skills) there is sparkly glitter in those clouds. 😉
The leafing went fairly well, although the tree came out better than the bush, the bush kind of looks like a blob at this point. 😖
I used the flower to cover the tear and the attaching of the flower to stitch the hole up. 😁 It totally worked the tear is repaired and with the puffiness of the flowers you can't even see the dip/dent. I thought the flowers were a bit over-sized at first, but let's face it scale is not my forte`.  LOL  
I used some "holly" berries from some leftovers of Christmas wreath decorations and made it an "apple" tree. 😇  I think it's awesome it adds great texture and color. The rest of this is me mentally debating how much is enough and how much is too much.
I had to do something about that bush and the ribbon embroidery of leaves really seemed to do the trick, definition and texture at the same time and with 2 colors of leaves I think it really helped.  I also did a second vine of flowers along the hilltop to try to define the hills some so it didn't look so flat. 
My husband convinced me that the tree needed some leaves too. Honestly, I'm not sure if I'm done with it or not, the tree may get some more fluffing, I'm also considering more flowers or maybe so "rain".  Not sure but it was late last night when I took the final photo so the lighting is bad, but you get the idea. 😛

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