Friday, September 28, 2018

Really Etsy?!?!?

Etsy has done a lot of annoying and questionable things over the years but this year's "Holiday Guide" on the seller dashboard is like. . .wow.  😖  It's huge, it's lame, it's pretty much repeat info that is mostly common sense and there was no way to get rid of it for over a week.  The forums exploded and then the admins moved the "bugs" thread over to discussions refusing to do anything about it, basically insisting that it's permanent nature was intentional.  😕  

It has "updated" from it's initial bullet points to include a notice to add your shipping carriers to your shipping profiles. Just more busy work as I already had in my store policies that nearly everything ships Priority USPS but I have started working through editing each listing anyway. I'm just using it as a chance to double check other things. 

This morning has a new update with 2 new nags to "add up to 10 photos" it says this is a 15 minute task.  Seriously, I'm just floored at the notion that anyone with more than 3 brain cells can even think that adding more photos is a 15 minute task. I mean setting up a photo shoot takes longer than that, shooting additional photos for my 175+ listings would take hours, not to mention the editing and uploading.  So I have no idea who came up with this 15 minute BS. The secondary nag is for clear return policies which it says is a 5 minute task, that I can believe, editing/updating policies is a quick hit thing but I have my own written and rather detailed policies already.  But at least it now has a minimize button, if you can't remove it at least now it shrinks instead of blocking the WHOLE dashboard.  😒  So I guess they did hear all the complaints they just didn't really listen. 

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