Friday, October 5, 2018

Time to re-work the re-work again. . .

I know online retail is in a constant state of flux but ~good grief~ and yes that's my Charlie Brown impression. 😖

The saga of the "Holiday guide" that just won't go away continues and as it updates and highlights new things I find myself more annoyed all the time.  😒  

I had read one of the early articles and it was all about improving search placement and changes to SEO and it was confusing and a bit dense. I tried to read it but my brain just wouldn't process it. Then I saw a thread in the forums about EtsyRank sudden changes to listing grades and decided to check it out.  I've had and used EtsyRank nearly the whole 3 years I've had my shop and it's been an ok service (I only use the free version) I have worked quite a bit on getting A grades on my listings. I knew Etsy was talking about changing search a lot implementing new AI and photo recognition softwares, updating categories, etc,.  What I didn't fully understand was the impact that would have.  

Imagine my surprise when I logged into "etsyrank" to find a new erank logo and announcement that they have changed their entire grading system to be based on etsy's latest guidelines. 😮  Ok, so maybe that's not a bad thing, they have basically codified the annoying article into a usable system that would tell me what etsy meant with all that marketing speak and talking in circles.  I thought "wow thanks erank", but then I clicked to see my listing grades and found that many, like more than half of my listings that previously had been A grades were suddenly NOT.  😩

Previously of my 180-ish listings the overwhelming majority of them were A's there were maybe a dozen B's and 3 C's. I lived with the 3 C's because they were gift wrap and camp ash vials and they are really not meant to be found on their own anyway. I gave up on the B's mainly because I had reworked and reworded them repeatedly and they just seemed stuck. ~shrug~  This week I found tons of B's a truckload of C's and then a bunch of D's and a handful of E's.  😲  Since when does the system include E's ?!?! omg

I have spent the week trying to "improve" things and I have made some progress, I have managed to convert the C's and D's to at least B's but the E's are still E's those used to be C's but oh well.  I have about 40 B's but I'm not sure I can get all of them back the A's, it will take a lot of work including a round of new additional photos which I find highly annoying because it was in the "holiday guide" tips list and I was going to ignore it because rounds of photos are time consuming, digging out the pieces, setting and staging the shoot, lighting, shooting, editing, uploading. ~sigh~  

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