Thursday, October 18, 2018

New billing system . . .

My shop does not have it yet.  I am curious how it displays and works as I am reading a LOT of unhappy, complainy, whiney forum posts. 😏  However, the complaints are pretty much standard, etsy never gave an exact date of implementation to every single individual shop, although with over a million shops that would have been incredibly hard, time consuming, and stupidly wasteful, and probably pointless with spam filters and email notifications that no one ever bothers read anyway.  

All the OMG where's my money!?  Which I find particularly funny when it's coming from people posting admissions of how they just paid last month's bill 15 days late, on a notice of shut down for being behind.  Actually, I could be wrong but I have sensed a pattern in the complainers that they are the always pay late crowd, the statement "I always pay my bill between the 3rd-5th or before the 15th" is all a big fat whatever because bills are due on the 1st, period.  

I don't understand why so many sellers think it's ok to pay their bill late. I really don't understand why all those perpetually late people can't grasp that this change is their own fault for always paying late.

I think part of the reason that my shop has not been "rolled in" yet is because I have always had auto-billing set up and never ever paid late, except the 1 time my debit card expiration date changed and the payment failed, which I immediately (next day) fixed.

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