Wednesday, August 7, 2019

etsy stats are worthless. . .

Seriously, in the years I've been on Etsy they have "updated" "upgraded" "improved" stats multiple times, however in my opinion none of their changes have actually been improvements or upgrades.  😐  They have changed the display page, they have changed somewhat how they categorize certain views/visits, they have reduced the amount of information they provide, they still run many hours behind most of the time and I seriously question the accuracy.  

I noticed this morning when looking at yesterday's stats it shows 8 visits 8 views (yes single digit sadness, I know) but if I change the time-frame and look at the last 7 days it shows August 6 as having 6 views and 6 visits, however I got 9 favorites yesterday.  😏  I know people can favorite from search pages without actually visiting the listing/page but really?!

When I look at "today" it shows nothing literally zero zero, the graph is blank stats have not updated in 4 hours (well it says 3 on my screen but 6am-10am is 4).  But under the main graph it shows I've been billed for a promoted listing click already this morning.  Also if I go back to the "7 days" time-frame it is showing August 7 with 2 visits and 3 views.  😕

It makes me nutty that etsy's numbers never match, never add up. 😐  Irreconcilable like a checkbook that just won't balance, it's bad math and very frustrating. 

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