Sunday, October 27, 2019

moving house = new shop space

It has been a long process (months) but we bought a house and after all the remodeling of the bathroom and painting all the other rooms and many other projects I am finally getting around to making my new work space.  👍

I have been working by myself all week on clearing the room of excess stuff and started painting the trim and walls.

This weekend the husband helped with painting the ceiling and floor.  I was very grateful for the help as a short person painting the ceiling was looking like a bit of a nightmare. 😏  

 We also took down the ceiling fan before painting the ceiling and plan to replace it with some new better light fixtures, not sure exactly what yet, I need to go shopping and pick something. 😉
 Under that end window there is plumbing stuff in the floor already which is incredibly handy for the utility sink I plan to have for the paint studio end of the room. 😁
This will be the last wall as it is currently holding the stacks and stacks of drawers and bin units. The door goes into the office and storage closet. The closet on the right has all the boxes, paper, packing and shipping supplies. The office of course has a desk and filing cabinets, etc. The stacks of drawers need to be sorted, the black ones are the base of my original workbench, the butcher block tops are leaning by the door. The drawers that are left after the bench building make the base for the multi-drawer bin units to stack on, otherwise known as storage central. 

I am so excited!! I cannot wait to have my creative space, to have my paint easel set up again. 😇

1 comment:

  1. It's going to be great! Maybe we can talk this week. I am booked pretty solid but I'll call when I have a few hours. Love you <3
