Sunday, October 6, 2024

Weekly update. . . AAaaaah

 Yeah, that's just me screaming. 😐 I am making progress on the art framing but booth layout and set up are making me mental. Oh, and there seems to be another hurricane in the works. 😕 

I've got 10 finished so far, but over 20 more to go. 😅 Plus the dozen tabletop easels to assemble.

I am ridiculously nervous about the upcoming event, as if I haven't done dozens of events for years. Part of it is because it's a new venue and "new" events always make me a little nervous, but a much larger part of it is being the first time I'm setting up with just art. I've been selling jewelry for a decade, but I am less confident about my art. I have sold some art at other shows but not usually a lot.  I think that is because it is not usually the focus and not much of it is actually displayed, most of it just lives in its' crates, even in the booth.  

I really liked the crates for storage and display when I bought them years ago, the idea of flipping thru paintings the way I used to look thru my parents' vinyl records was cool. . . But apparently, I'm old and most people don't feel that way. 😅 

It has not been a very effective display or actually led to a lot of sales of the art, so maybe a booth with nothing but art properly professionally displayed framed on easels it will be better. 😇 When I think back on it, most of the paintings that have sold at events have been framed and/or sold off of the front display not out of the crates, most people don't look in the crates and even those that do usually only flip thru the first few paintings not the whole crate.  I am allowed to take the wire trees and a limited amount of chainmaille in the form of ornaments and fidget balls, so hopefully I'll have good sales anyway. 


  1. Hey, Amanda, good luck in the new venue! I used to display my art at art walks years ago, but at least here in the Pacific NW I found that unless one is well known, or is an "exceptionally good" artist, not much sells. 😞 Eventually, I gave up and for the past 9+ years have been enjoying making my unique cardholders. Now these, folks love! 🥰 Looking at your art, I'd humbly say that you shouldn't have any problems. Just remember, you can do it! ☺️

    1. ❤️😇 Thank you so much for your encouragement, art always seems to be a hard sale, it's so subjective and personal and in a way an emotional purchase, so impossible to predict. In recent years I regularly sell 1-2 paintings per show but that's not a lot and most of my sales are the jewelry and wire trees, for some reason the wire trees sell really well. 😎
