Sunday, September 29, 2024

Weekly update. . .Hurricane Helene

Well, that happened, hurricane Helene blew all the way up to category 4.  I was really hoping it wouldn't, but it did, it also came right into the "Big Bend" again even though I was told when we moved here that it's very rare for hurricanes to landfall in the Big Bend. 😕 😐 I would accuse people of lying to us, but my research backed it up.

However, someone needs to update this because we have now had 3 in 13 months, Idalia, Debby, and now Helene. It went from 3 in 125 years to 3 in 13 months, I'm both annoyed and concerned about living here now. 
We have been lucky each time, but part of that is also about decision making, when I bought this house, I was looking for high ground that wouldn't flood, it had to be a minimum distance inland, I had a lot of criteria that had nothing to do with the closet space. 😅 When I settled on this brick monster our concern became the trees, because "large lot with beautiful mature trees" sounds great but in practice these Georgia pines are a mile high nightmare. So, we decided to get a tree service and have something done, a professional opinion, we ended up paying a small fortune to have several trees removed and a lot of trimming up done on many more, at the time I wasn't thrilled with the expense or the noise and I actually cried over one of the trees they took out, but now 3 storms later with NO damage I think we made the right choices. 😏
We didn't go crazy and denude the whole lot there are still a ton of large trees in my yard just not too close to the house, nothing hanging over the roof. 😇
There is still plenty to clean up. 

Truly, it was the easterly shift that spared us, we got a glancing blow instead of a direct hit. I feel bad for everyone who lost their homes on the coast, for those poor souls that lost their lives, for all the flooding and terrible damage done in other states. 😞

I now have less than a month before the big "Art show" which I am thinking will likely be a disaster for me. I don't have enough of the art framed. I don't know what I'm doing for display in my booth because I'm not used to just showing art. I had ideas and I thought I had a plan but the more I think about it the less I think it will work. 🫤 "Nervous" no longer covers my panicky desire to just move to another state instead of going through with this show. 😨  

I have spent hours agonizing over which pieces to frame and which color of frame for each, I think I have a plan finally, but now I have to find time to actually do all the framing. 😅 More than 30 pieces in less than 30 days does not seem likely especially when I factor in a doctor's appointment and a dental cleaning, oh and my AC is messed up again so service calls and workmen traipsing thru the middles of it all. 😟 I can feel the failure coming from here. I guess no one would be surprised if I said Progress has stalled. 

Yep, he's just lying there half done 😔 wings still not attached, no tail yet. 


  1. I know you put high demands on yourself. I also know you pull off amazing things. Could the husband assist with the framing in some way so it isn't as big a burden on just one person?

    1. I wish, but his job is pretty demanding and time consuming so it's not likely. 🙃 I'll find a way, and it will be what it will be.

  2. Also...anon is me... (Christine...aka "MAD")

  3. Cindy Nickerson BianchiSeptember 29, 2024 at 11:23 AM

    I’ve got complete faith you’ll manage to make it work !

    1. 😎 I'm going to do what I can and that will just have to be good enough. 😉
