Sunday, September 22, 2024

Weekly update. . . Progress is slow

😅 My progress on Progress has been slow this week. 😂
So that's a funny joke if you know that my latest dragon project is/was going to be named Progress. 😉 

It is also somewhat funny, at least to me, that he's still not finished, he really should be, but my birthday was this week and I've been busy and distracted with other things. 😎

Although, I really need to get very busy and productive in the immediate future, I have that art show next month and I still don't have enough art framed or much of a plan for the actual booth display. 😕 When I scheduled it I had months, so I haven't really been worried about it or focused on it but now . . . tick tock time is almost up and I'm still not ready, I am also really nervous.  I keep thinking about cancelling but this event is hard to get into and has a waiting list so if I cancel, I'll likely never get in again. 😏 Plus my husband has bragged to many people that I would be there. 😑 So, I will not let myself back out but I'm not currently happy about going, maybe that will change if I can get myself sorted out and come up with a display plan. 

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