Tuesday, November 19, 2019

etsy backhand . . .

Just over a year ago I wrote a post about my shiny Super Seller trophy I knew it was just another etsy experiment/test but I really did like, unfortunately it only lasted about a week, thankfully I got screenshots before it disappeared.  😁
Well it's been a year so it was just time for etsy to try something else, I guess.  This time around instead of shiny trophies for "super" sellers they have gone the other direction and introduced a new metric they are calling ODR (order defect rate).  This is definitely the stick approach obviously the carrot (trophies) didn't impact how shops handle their buyers/customer service.  

So while we have all known for years that low reviews and repeated "cases" will get your shop in trouble. We now have a whole new level of detail, they have been revising the Handbook and wow. https://help.etsy.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360036720093-Why-Did-My-Shop-Receive-a-Customer-Service-Warning-?segment=selling  

I doubt I will ever be in trouble but of course there is a lot of buzz in the forums right, many people are bothered by the wording, the vagueness, the standards themselves. 😏  Not at all surprising, I'm sure that there are a lot of shops in trouble, as a matter of fact last month there were several forum posts about warning emails from etsy apparently lots of shops got the email but didn't understand it or understand why they got it and the consensus became just "ignore it" "it must have been a error/glitch".  

Well guess what those warning emails were not a glitch or an error they were genuine warnings.  I read the Handbook stuff about the new stuff and one of the things that bugged me most was that sellers were to have no access to the "customer service performance" dashboard until they were in trouble, literally we weren't supposed to see/know our ODR until we were failing and in a position to be "under review" and up for closure. 😯

Unfortunately for etsy we (collective sellers) are smarter than etsy, so once 1 seller had access to the dashboard, someone else altered the link they posted and removed part of the url and now BAM! everyone has access to their Customer Service Performance dashboard.  You have to have a shop and you have to be logged in for this to work, notice the "your" and "me". 

So you can see with no cases and no low reviews and no problems with my last 10 orders my ODR is 0.00% my shop is literally perfect. However I read someone else in the forums admit that her ODR was 3.70% so even though the dashboard says the threshold is 1% that is apparently a lie because Mrs. 3.7% is still open. 😕

I miss my trophy, at least that was public and shoppers could see it, this new hidden metric is useless for buyers.  

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