Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Etsy "Star Seller" badge. . .

Great. . .etsy has come up with yet another new badge program. 😕

I logged in today and found an announcement of the "new thing" of the season. I went and read the article and find myself disappointed, as usual, because there are buried criteria that means in spite of my 100% shipping rate I will likely never achieve the badge. 😔 Then I found myself actually annoyed by the statement that it would all be "things that are within a seller's control" which is blatantly untrue. I know they were saying that trying to give leeway and assure people that postal delays would not count against the seller mainly because they would require tracking to qualify. However, there are other qualifiers that are not within the seller's control, like the minimum number of orders and $ amount of sales in a 3 month rolling period. Ohh and only "fresh" reviews count, so my years of all 5 stars don't matter. 😖 That's right my 37 perfect 5 star reviews in the last 5 years equals nothing.

Also it seems like I'm being punished for having clear descriptions.  I rarely receive etsy messages initiated by customers, unless it's to ask for a custom order which like I said is rare, most people just buy the already finished item listed.  I don't get a lot of questions about "how big is this?" or "what's this made of?" it's all in my listings. Now this lack of messages to respond to quickly will count against me?!  😒 Please explain how that is fair. . . 

This is not my first ride on this Merry-go-round back in 2018 etsy tested a similar Shiny Trophy program, it was called "super seller" and the badge was in the shape of an actual trophy. ~LOL~ 😄  I had for about a week.

I guess I really shouldn't complain even if I never qualify for the new shiny badge at least it's better than the stupid ODR program they tried in between.

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