Sunday, August 8, 2021

Making _____. . .

Well there are a lot of ways that can go. . .making the best of it, making do, making inventory, making time. . . I have done all of those lately.  😇  

I am making do and making the best of things with etsy's ridiculous new "Star Seller" stuff.  I still find the program stupid and not an accurate measure of a shop's customer service but since it's there and there is no way around it, if you can't beat them join them. 😕  So I politely responded to a spammy request for donations with a real answer and a coupon instead of just marking it as spam, because messages marked as spam don't count but messages replied to promptly do.  Then after days of that not being reflected in the dashboard, I had to write into help and point out that if the dashboard never updates and is based on faulty data . . .well it took a week but I finally got a second metric. 😁  Now all I need is someone to leave me a fresh review before the end of the month.

I've made new trees including a couple with the fairy door in the trunk and so so many barrettes that the tray is the fullest it's ever been.  😉

I also made some time to not do business stuff because my husband (wonderful man that he is) got me a very cool anniversary gift this year. . . A trip to the Zoo, I know you may be thinking that's not that impressive or aren't you a bit old for that, BUT this trip to the zoo included a meet and greet with Penguins and art made by penguins while I watched.  Seriously totally awesome, I love penguins so getting to meet up close and pet them was amazing, they are so cute and the little rockhoppers were very personable. 💖  And I have not only a ton of photos and great memories I have a canvas they "painted" with their little footy prints. 😍  

this is me petting a penguin, she was so soft and liked being petted, the keeper said she was a hand-raised rescue so very used to people 

Now I just have to figure out how I'm going to mount/frame the canvas they made.  

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