Welcome to January, now get those taxes done!
I know personal income taxes aren't due for months, but in my state businesses licensed for sales tax that file on an annual basis must file by January 31st. So for me it's year-end bookkeeping catch-up and getting all my paperwork in order for my sales tax filing. 😉
I will also been working on re-working listings, changing out tags, prepping for Valentine's Day, updating shipping charges in preparation for the next USPS increase, ya' know the constant state of work of an online business.
I have been painting and making new wire trees but I am falling behind on listing new stuff. I have several paintings finished that are not listed. I still have some rubber chainmaille patterns that are not listed. I have several new sets of fridge magnets not listed. 😕
The Pre-Valentine's Sale is already scheduled and I need to make new graphics, banners, and online signs for facebook, instagram, etsy, etc. I guess I could use last year's but people might notice. 😁
Although I do still love this one. 😎