Thursday, July 18, 2019

limited free shipping. . .

Not "free shipping" for a limited time but limited free shipping, that's what I'm moving my shop towards. 

I have in the past done free shipping for holidays, as in I actually just put up a limited time sale and pay the shipping out of my profit.  

I have for the last year had conditional free shipping, as in you had to meet a minimum purchase requirement to qualify, I even changed the minimum twice.

So it's not as if I have not tested the notion of "Free shipping" in my shop, however, I will not do it Etsy's way, the concept of rolling the whole cost of shipping into every individual item's price strikes me as wrong and really unfair for people who might want to order multiple items.  😕  I keep using the "  " around free shipping because in most cases it's not really free shipping, it's shipping included. I know I know semantics but I think it's important to be honest.

So I have started changing over certain things to not have shipping charges listed. Necklaces are higher priced items and have room to cover shipping, so I just changed the shipping to a new free shipping profile.  Earrings are really small and lightweight so I adjusted the price a little ($1-2 not the whole cost of shipping) and changed them to First Class mail instead of Priority so I lose less money when I pay the shipping.  

I highly doubt I will ever change everything to free shipping, especially the art as the larger paintings that go in larger boxes really do cost $$ to ship. 😏  I might try to find other boxes and check out sending them first class and maybe cheaper. I might consider offering first class on more of the jewelry but I need to check on the insurance included as priority covers most things and I'm not sure first class package would be equal. 

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