Thursday, January 9, 2020

It's not for everyone. . .

Being a small business owner is not for everyone, it's constant work and worry and worrying about work. 😏

Often it feels like there are not enough hours in the day to do all the things you need to do, want to do, have to do. ~sigh~  Having a home life and family and pets all just add layers of other things that you have and need to do on top of the business things.  😕  Even on my most productive days the to-do list never gets any shorter, that sometimes leads to depression and anxiety.  However, I work through those things and "just keep swimming"𝅘𝅥𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅗𝅥𝅘𝅥𝅰𝅘𝅥𝅯𝅘𝅥 even though it seems to be all up stream most of the time. ~LOL~  

Yesterday I had an order for 3 wire trees ~yay~ which is great but I only had 2 new ones ready to list so. . .😅 in the battle to build inventory I lost ground.  

Sometimes I envy larger shops with simpler products that get hundreds of orders a week, but the moment passes and honestly there is quite literally no way I could ever produce that much.  The things I make from the chainmaille and wire trees to paintings all take several hours per piece. 😏  So there are not enough hours in the day for me to make the large quantities of any one thing, it's just math. There are some chain patterns that I can make fairly quickly but some of the more intricate ones a single bracelet can take me all day or all of the hours of the day that I can dedicate to making a thing instead of cleaning the house and cooking dinner and doing all those other every day life things.  

I am considering a vending opportunity, of course, there are pros and cons, it's the Saturday before Valentine's in a Mall so the sales potential is pretty great but it's a whole Saturday away from my husband. The table is only $30 for the day so even a single sale could cover that.  It's a bring your own tables and chair situation which can be tricky for me going alone in my tiny car. ~LOL~  

I want to go but a whole day away from home on a weekend means there will be tons of other stuff that I can't get done. 😏 

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