Sunday, May 28, 2023

Well that's odd. . .

First off, I'll start with I've been on etsy for 8 years, so I know a thing or two about how they operate, and I've been regularly annoyed over the years because the "stats" are often incomplete or inaccurate in some way.  This is not a new problem it comes and goes, the inconsistent and inaccurate counts are always worse when I run ads, I think because the ads and the regular stats are on different time zones. I used to really struggle and regularly argue with etsy staff over the stats issues, mainly because I didn't like being charged for ad clicks when the traffic never showed in shop stats, the fact that things didn't match made it seem like etsy was just randomly charging for ad clicks. 

Honestly, I still feel that way, but sales have been non-existent, so I turned etsy ads back on about a week ago. Every day I login and try to reconcile the main stats with ad stats and it makes my head hurt. 😅 Now the bad math is not the only thing that has always bugged me about etsy stats, often there are no "traffic details" like those ads etsy puts on google, it will tell me the click came from google but it never shows what listing they looked at or gives me the search terms. Similarly, the "direct & other traffic" category almost never gives any info on anything, no listings, no search terms and usually no source site. 

And now with all that in mind, this morning I'm look at my etsy stats and find . . .

that for once there is information tied to a click in the "direct & other traffic" and super weirdly it says the source is tiktok? I do not have a tiktok account, I have never posted on tiktok, heck I've literally never even looked at tiktok unless you count them showing clips on the news. 😏  

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