Thursday, January 11, 2024

Some days tech is not so savvy

It is a whole new year and for me personally, it is not off to the greatest start, family loss, crazy weather, and this week questionable technology issues. 😅 Now I am normally pretty competent with my technology. I've been online since the 90's, I've had standalone websites and used dozens of platforms, dare I say I'm tech-savvy. But these days it seems the tech itself is not always so savvy. 😎
I have known for years that etsy's stats are not really exactly accurate, but I have seen a couple of things in mine this week that really have me shaking my head.  😐 First, was the traffic source the other day, I was shocked it actually gave one because it next to Never actually provides a source in the "Direct & other" category. Then there is the source itself which is weird to me, it says yahoo mail and I do not use yahoo, I do not have a newsletter set up. 😐
So, did someone else include the link to my etsy listing in their own newsletter?! Again, weird.! On the other hand, I'm pretty used to the standard inaccuracies of numbers that don't match, views that never show, the app giving different numbers than the website. 😏 Yesterday, the 10th the app says I had 9 views from 4 visits, but the website says 4 views and 4 visits, although it only shows 2 listings as viewed. 😅

This type of conflicting information used to drive me nutz, now I just laugh and shake my head and wonder why so many people are still convinced that etsy is so great. 😂
Now on to the second tech company that everyone thinks is so great but I personally kind of hate, facebook, it glitches way more than most people will admit. For the last couple of days, I have noticed that my "all comments" setting is not what fb is actually showing me. I have double checked my settings, and group settings and yet. . .

I have to keep changing it on every post, in order to actually see all the comments. And after I posted about it this morning, something new showed up and I'm pretty sure the change is what is causing the settings to not actually function properly. 

We have gone from 3 options to 5 and I kind of hate the sound of the last one. "Sent with stars" ?!?! really?! I don't even know what that means, what stars? 😟 Man, I really hate when they make changes like this and I have no idea what's going on. 😅 

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