Sunday, August 25, 2024

Weekly update. . .later

I am on a "social media" break.  I do still log on to check for messages and such, but I'm not posting, and I'm not really group participating much. I am just feeling a bit burnt out on the whole thing, social media, business, life stress in general. 😒  
My plan to give Blue legs is not going well, I was so frustrated the other day I was snapping rings and ended up throwing my pliers down. 

There is a certain pressure I feel to create content that I really kind of hate. I mean I love making things, but I do not like the constant need for content. . . photos, posts, engagement. The push the business aspect is crushing my creative outlet with its' daily grind-ness, it is literally sucking the fun and happiness out of making things. 😒 Anyone else ever feel that way?  

There was a time, not long ago, that seeing this laying on my bench would have made me so happy, but now I'm just annoyed the legs aren't going the way I want, and it's not done yet and I can't get the photos I need to post more, blah blah blah. 😫

So, I decided to take a break, but each day that goes by I feel . . .guilt/regret, fear of losing ground.  I am going to take my "me-time" though because I shouldn't feel bad about taking care of myself.  I haven't been feeling really well, it's not serious (I don't think) allergies from the high pollen mixed with joint aches and hot flashes from the menopause, I do have an appointment in a few days.  I also have a birthday coming that is closer to 50 than 40. 😏 
Currently I'm not sure how long this "social break" will last, I don't really have a plan. 😐 Ideally it will only be a couple of weeks of no posts, and I can actually get some stuff done to post about when I come back.

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