Sunday, August 4, 2024

Weekly update. . . ouch

Not much business news this week, just personal stuff. 😅
I have somehow messed up my back, not entirely sure how but I think I have a slipped disk or something. Doing all the daily chores like scooping the litter boxes, run the vacuum, empty the dishwasher type things is killing me, but no one else is going to scoop the boxes or vacuum for me so pain be damned house be clean. 😖 However, the continuous pain is exhausting, I am moving slow and regularly stretching but I have accomplished very little this week aside from keeping the house and planning meals. 😕 

I haven't spent much time working because my shop's desk chair makes my back hurt worse. 😑 I've tried working rings on the couch, but I keep dropping them, which gets frustrating since I don't want to have to crawl on the floor to retrieve them. I do have the next dragon layout started he's going to be black and blue, kind of how I feel. 😉
In other news Reover has a vet check-up coming this week, he's due for shots and I'm not really looking forward to the appointment myself. First off, it's not easy lugging that moose to the vet, he's large and heavy when in the carrier if/when he gets mad and flops around, he's so heavy he can nearly knock me over. My back is screaming in protest of his weight already, as I suspect the vet will when they weigh him. 😏 I do not look forward to being told he's "obese" he knows that word and it makes him mad, seriously calling him fat pisses him off you can see it in his face. Not in this photo that's just mild annoyance at not getting outs, notice how he's in front of the door and occupying my slippers. 😅
The last vet that called him obese he hissed at I'm just saying. 
I know my cat is fat, but you can't just put a cat on a diet. First of all, there are 3 of them in this house so trying to limit the food for one is not easy, taking away the food for all doesn't work. Changing and giving special food to only 1 of the 3 doesn't work either, they are cats they eat out of whichever bowl they choose. Getting lazy fat house cats to "exercise" is a whole other challenge, I considered buying him a treadmill/wheel, but I don't think his lazy butt would use it. 😅

Oh and apparently there is a storm coming. 😕

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