Monday, January 25, 2016

Contemplating Craft shows . . .

I have spent some time researching local craft shows and fairs and found myself in a bit of a conundrum.  It is highly unlikely I will be able to set up at any of the events I have found, there are several obstacles in my way.  

First, I have not received a state license since I moved here recently.  I have a business license it's just from a previous state not the state I just moved to.  ~sigh~  So no one want to let me set up to sell wince I am not officially licensed to collect sales tax in this state.

Second, many of the larger shows that I would like to attend are what are referred to as "juried" shows, which means there is a panel that votes and approves applicants.  My research has shown this process to be rather slanted towards existing relationships, with a weighted preference for previous members, as in if you were there last year you have a leg up on getting in this year.  In some cases due to the preference for returning displays there are very limited chances for someone new.

Third, the application process in some cases is rather demanding, aside from the actual application and fee many require photographs of the display you plan to set up.  In the case of someone new, how can I submit a photograph of a display set up that I have never set up before?  ~sigh~  I have considered creating a display in my house just to shoot some photos but some of these places have very specific requirements that the photos be at an event or that you set up exactly what you submitted in your photograph, so faking a table display may be rejected or limit what I can do at the event.

Nothing is ever easy.  ~LOL~  Maybe next year after I've had some time to get things in order and do a smaller event that I can photograph.


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