Wednesday, June 28, 2023

It was fun but I'm tired. . .

I've had a few days to unpack, reorganize and recover from the craft show. Looking back, I think I over did it for the venue. Looking at my booth set up compared to those around me, I think I got carried away. πŸ˜…
 My tower of art was almost the tallest thing in the hall. 😁 While it was part of my plan to have the tall thing to attract attention and mark my space as different, I didn't expect it to stick out quite so much. πŸ˜…
 I mean most of the other booths were just flat tables and/or small stands. I also noticed that most of them didn't have much if anything for the "beach themed" booth decorating contest, where I had extra decor all over the place. 😐 

Literally, beach towels, sea shells, sand toys, beach balls on every display, racks and tables 😎 plus the whole front of ocean waves art. I mean come on, I "beached" my whole booth, but no word on who won the contest, so I doubt it was me. 😐

Kind of a shame really, I put a lot of thought into this, a lot of extra effort and planning that now kind of feels like it was a bit of a waste. I mean I was happy with my display, I was proud even of what I had come up with. I mean did you even see the shark about to swallow the toy boat?!!? πŸ˜†
The 3-sided art display worked pretty great, I'll probably do that again.
It created a good amount of hanging space and I was able to display quite a few paintings showing off different styles. 
The second rack was absolutely necessary to split the jewelry up and keep it from overwhelming the tables.  

I still think I have too much stuff and I need a better plan for the leather bracelets because they take up too much surface. Overall, I had fun (which was greatly aided by inviting a friend) and I would do it again, although I will probably reign myself in a bit next time. πŸ˜…


  1. Looks good. I love the beachy theme. I am worried I don't have enough for a craft fair booth, lol.

    1. Thank you.πŸ˜‡Don't worry about having enough, small displays can be very effect if done right. Most people start small, I've done shows off and on for nearly a decade, so this set up was acquired over time. Also, I'm an epic OCD overthinker, LOL
