Sunday, March 3, 2024

Weekly update. . .It's March!

Yay! It's March!! I know I may seem overly excited about that but. . . it is one of my favorite months of the year because it's #MeettheMaker time, also known as the only time I know what to post about mainly because someone smarter than me published directions. 😅

So, I am trying to get ahead on pre-scheduling the facebook and instagram posts for the challenge, normally I only schedule a week at a time, but I have a whole month plan now. 😎 Not that I expect that to really make it that much easier because even with prompts I still have to figure out what they mean to me and what I'm going to post about it, then go looking for photos that represent that.  😏 ~still work~

First event of the year, we'll see how it goes. I love the fairgrounds as a venue, it's a nice event space, but honestly it has been hit or miss. My first event there went pretty well but the last one was a dud, scheduling is very important around here and the November event had a lot of scheduling conflicts with other events and football games. 😕 I am going to try again but even this one has scheduling conflicts. . .like the Circus being at the fairgrounds at the same time. I don't know if that will be a good thing or a bad thing. 😐 I'm also debating inside vs. outside, normally I want to be inside no weather worries, no stuff blowing over, but if the circus is there then maybe outside in the parking lot is better.  Although, if I do go outside then I take less stuff because I have to pack the pop-up tent and sandbags and certain displays don't go because of the possibility of weather, less paintings, different earring and necklace stands that don't blow over. There are always so many things to consider sometimes I have a really hard time making decisions. 

Speaking of hard decisions, there is just over a week left until the selections and notifications for this year's Rose Fest. . .I'd bet $5 I'm going to get rejected again. 😅 We will wait and see but honestly, I do not have high hopes, maybe one of these days I'll make friends with the right people, although I'm pretty socially anxious, hate leaving my house and don't have an easy time making friends so. . .that's not super likely either. 😅😏 ~fingers crossed~

I am still working the facebook recommendations and doing the weekly and monthly goals, building my audience by increasing followers by posting more. 

I'm not only making progress on my "goals" for facebook, but I'm getting really close to some major milestones. I am only a handful of followers away from 400 facebook followers & 500 instagram followers. 😀 That may not sound like a lot but it's huge to me. 

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