Sunday, September 15, 2024

Weekly update. . . blah

While not very informative "blah" is very descriptive of how I feel these days, between the life worries and the weather I'm just . . .blah. 😑

I have deactivated all my michaels' makerplace listings because they put this ridiculous suggestion scroll at the TOP of listings, now I am fine with the "you may also like" standard at the Bottom of a page but to put directly competing listings at the top of the page before the buyer can even see the actual listing they clicked on is a huge "Aw HELLZNO" for me. 😡
Some sellers tried to defend the move saying, the scroll is not that big, or it's just random things, however, on my laptop screen it's pretty big and not random, other sellers said on mobile it pushes the listing well down the page. 
Since it is in fact a 3rd platform for me I don't need this especially right now with more important things in life to worry about. Although I am wondering if this is why I don't have more sales on this platform.  I remember etsy trying this and sellers revolting. The only time etsy does this is if someone clicks in thru a pinterest link, if you click an item in etsy search you get that actual listing, now there are multiple scrolls and suggestions at the Bottom of the page (where they belong) but first you get the actual thing you clicked on. This just comes off so temu, ebay, amazon, yard sale desperate to me, it's pointless page clutter and directing shoppers off the page before they can even look at what they actually clicked on. 

This really reinforces for me how much I appreciate goimagine and the fact that they do not do things like this. 😉 As a matter of fact the only suggestion scroll at the bottom of a goimagine listing is a "more from this maker" displaying my own stuff. 😎 Because unlike other corporate marketplaces goimagine listens to and respects their makers and is not constantly trying to redirect buyers out of our shops or to cheaper things.  😇  

Now that I've gotten that off my chest let's move on to the fact that I didn't get this week's dragon finished. 😏 I have made progress and thanks to my husband's smarty-pants-ness I think when it is finished his name will be Progress instead of TheGreenDragon as previously planned. 
At least his head is attached to the body, which is half covered with scales 😉 so ya' know progress


Sunday, September 8, 2024

Weekly update. . . 9-8-8

Since it is 9-8 I thought I'd take a moment to talk about 9-8-8 for those that may not be aware of the crisis line, lifeline, mental health help line for national suicide prevention.  It is free help available to all, started just a few years ago, it has saved lives, if you or anyone you love is ever in need . . . I'm ok, I have cried and am processing my father-in-law's cancer diagnosis, it sucks, it's scary and sad but there is a treatment plan and we are optimistic about things. 🙏💞

Of course, for us sci-fi nerdy types today is Star Trek Day, the day we celebrate the tv premiere of the first episode. 😎 Yes, I will be watching lots of assorted Star Trek things today. 

In business news: I am still on my "social media break" and I am finding it helpful to not have to worry about daily posting while dealing with other life events. 😇 I am sure I will return to business as usual eventually but for right now this once-a-week post is easier. I am working, albeit slowly in short bursts. I added legs to the purple dragon and I'm not convinced I like it, it's not exactly what I pictured. 😏

I mean he is still cute, the legs do help stabilize his sitting, but I'm considering removing and re-attaching them different. Also, not sure I love the pattern I used; I may have to try something else altogether. 😅 On the other hand, there is always the next one to try something new with. 
The next dragon will be green, although I don't have the large/fancy scales in green, I do have the smaller ones for his back. So black and mirror large scales for the fringe and wings, which will work great since the rings are a mix of black and shades of green. 

His official name will be "The Green Dragon" like the pub from Lord of the Rings 😁 because I'm a big 'ole sci-fi lovin' nerd. 😉

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Weekly update. . .September!

I am still on my "social media break". Although, I did post on facebook about etsy the other day, sometimes one just needs to "shout into the void". 😏 Ironically my instagram has gained followers even though I haven't posted in over a week. 😅

I don't know how long this break will last, initially I thought a couple of weeks, but now there are some issues other than my own mentality and feelings. I don't want to get specific but there are possible life altering things on a couple of fronts. I'm ok, my husband is ok, but my father-in-law whom I adore has been diagnosed with cancer. 😟 We think they caught it early enough and we all have high hopes, but it is scary.  

I plan to continue doing these weekly update posts but otherwise I will be mostly offline. I am working some mostly to keep my mind off of other things. This week has been 'purple, purple, purple!' and if you don't get the Gilmore joke that's ok. 😅 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Weekly update. . .later

I am on a "social media" break.  I do still log on to check for messages and such, but I'm not posting, and I'm not really group participating much. I am just feeling a bit burnt out on the whole thing, social media, business, life stress in general. 😒  
My plan to give Blue legs is not going well, I was so frustrated the other day I was snapping rings and ended up throwing my pliers down. 

There is a certain pressure I feel to create content that I really kind of hate. I mean I love making things, but I do not like the constant need for content. . . photos, posts, engagement. The push the business aspect is crushing my creative outlet with its' daily grind-ness, it is literally sucking the fun and happiness out of making things. 😒 Anyone else ever feel that way?  

There was a time, not long ago, that seeing this laying on my bench would have made me so happy, but now I'm just annoyed the legs aren't going the way I want, and it's not done yet and I can't get the photos I need to post more, blah blah blah. 😫

So, I decided to take a break, but each day that goes by I feel . . .guilt/regret, fear of losing ground.  I am going to take my "me-time" though because I shouldn't feel bad about taking care of myself.  I haven't been feeling really well, it's not serious (I don't think) allergies from the high pollen mixed with joint aches and hot flashes from the menopause, I do have an appointment in a few days.  I also have a birthday coming that is closer to 50 than 40. 😏 
Currently I'm not sure how long this "social break" will last, I don't really have a plan. 😐 Ideally it will only be a couple of weeks of no posts, and I can actually get some stuff done to post about when I come back.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Weekly update. . .slow

Well, it's been a week not a super one and not really a productive one, but it's over and I'll try again next week. 😏 
My back is still sore but not as bad. I did stuff but don't feel like I accomplished much because nothing is "finished". I am considering the local farmer's market next month, I have a standing invite, my back should be ok by then, the weather may be tolerable, it's a definite maybe. 😅  

Progress on Blue is slow, I have finished the scales down the back, and I'm working on his tail, but I plan to keep it short.

Since my husband has claimed him and he will be purely decorative and not wearable, it has reinforced my desire to give him legs. However, it's going to take some testing to find a pattern and ring size combo that creates the right look and structural stiffness. I may go ahead and start the next one before this one is finished. 😅 Ya' know because I need more projects. 

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Weekly update. . .recovery

Well, Debby passed and made a mess of my yard, although we were lucky no major damage, never lost power, just tons of small sticks, branches and pinecones everywhere.  The clean-up stinks, bending over a thousand times picking up sticks is not helping my backache issue. 😓 My back is slowly getting a bit better, not as sore as it was, some improved range of motion, but nowhere near normal. 😏 

I have made things this week. 😉 I made some progress on the black and blue dragon, he's coming together nicely.  I am very happy with my color choices and pattern so far.  

And apparently so is my husband, he walked in my shop last night to see the latest version and called "dibs". 😐😏😅 Seriously, between my husband, my friend, my mom and dad, everybody wants one, I may never get to actually sell them.  Of course, I am having second thoughts on that anyway, parting with some things is hard when I put so much time, effort and energy into these. I've never had this attachment issue with the jewelry, occasionally with the art I will miss a piece after it's sold but I rarely have that clingy "mine" reaction. 
I got a bracelet order for a color/size combo that I didn't have made, whipped it up, packed it and shipped it off no problem. 😉

I have literally sold hundreds and hundreds of items over the years, from my previous business to tons of jewelry, wire trees, paintings. There are only a couple of things I genuinely regret letting go, a canvas I miss, a particularly spectacular wire tree, but overall, I make things with the intention of selling them, so I don't get attached. I think maybe part of the difference with these dragons is they have a face. 😐😅

When I'm making them, they almost seem to develop personalities. 😇 Or I could just be crazy. 😅😆

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Weekly update. . . ouch

Not much business news this week, just personal stuff. 😅
I have somehow messed up my back, not entirely sure how but I think I have a slipped disk or something. Doing all the daily chores like scooping the litter boxes, run the vacuum, empty the dishwasher type things is killing me, but no one else is going to scoop the boxes or vacuum for me so pain be damned house be clean. 😖 However, the continuous pain is exhausting, I am moving slow and regularly stretching but I have accomplished very little this week aside from keeping the house and planning meals. 😕 

I haven't spent much time working because my shop's desk chair makes my back hurt worse. 😑 I've tried working rings on the couch, but I keep dropping them, which gets frustrating since I don't want to have to crawl on the floor to retrieve them. I do have the next dragon layout started he's going to be black and blue, kind of how I feel. 😉
In other news Reover has a vet check-up coming this week, he's due for shots and I'm not really looking forward to the appointment myself. First off, it's not easy lugging that moose to the vet, he's large and heavy when in the carrier if/when he gets mad and flops around, he's so heavy he can nearly knock me over. My back is screaming in protest of his weight already, as I suspect the vet will when they weigh him. 😏 I do not look forward to being told he's "obese" he knows that word and it makes him mad, seriously calling him fat pisses him off you can see it in his face. Not in this photo that's just mild annoyance at not getting outs, notice how he's in front of the door and occupying my slippers. 😅
The last vet that called him obese he hissed at I'm just saying. 
I know my cat is fat, but you can't just put a cat on a diet. First of all, there are 3 of them in this house so trying to limit the food for one is not easy, taking away the food for all doesn't work. Changing and giving special food to only 1 of the 3 doesn't work either, they are cats they eat out of whichever bowl they choose. Getting lazy fat house cats to "exercise" is a whole other challenge, I considered buying him a treadmill/wheel, but I don't think his lazy butt would use it. 😅

Oh and apparently there is a storm coming. 😕